
Li Biao Percussion Group

The Li Biao Percussion Group was formed in 2005. Its members are all talented musicians who have a virtuosic command of musical styles from the five continents of the world and genres covering classical, jazz, contemporary and pop. Their repertoire includes not only classics in percussion music but also works specially written for them and by them. The instruments they use number close to one hundred and weigh almost five tons. The eclectic format of their concerts has made them truly shine. As a critic in a European newspaper describes, their performance is "a multi-sensory musical tour around the world."

The group’s busy schedule has taken them all over Europe and in 2008 and 2009, under the sponsorship of Mercedes-Benz, it gave a 12-city tour in China. Its 7-country tour of South America in 2014 was a resounding success. One of the notable highlights of its performances is its recording for the closing ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the eye-catching live performance on the occasion.